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The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) was founded in 2015 and formed to propagate and promote open standards and projects in the cloud-native foundation. CNCF enjoys global acceptance in the market and plays a vital role in defining and sharpening the future of cloud computing.
Currently, there are 141 listed projects under the CNCF which are splited into four tiers.
So let’s take a look at new CNCF projects which you should watch for in 2023

Teller was added to the CNCF projects in April 2022 and has 1.1K GitHub starts and 25+ contributors for the source code.
Teller main objective is to serve developers and provide a safe way to use sensitive data without hardcoding them in the source code, shell, or misplacing them in wrong files. With teller.yaml file, you can configure Teller to connect to the secret store as Vault, Consul, AWS Secret Manager, Google Secret Manager, and much more to pull the sensitive data from and access your sensitive data safely.

Teller has a few more features as it can be used for a DevSecOps purpose on the CI process to check for sensitive information on the source code, Used as a reduction tool for sensitive data from files, logs, or application output, and more.

OpenCost was added to the CNCF projects in June 2022 and has 2.9K GitHub starts and 47 contributors for the source code.
OpenCost is a vendor-neutral open-source project for measuring and allocating infrastructure costs in Kubernetes environments. OpenCost was originally developed by kubecost and implements the original cost allocation engine initially built by Kubecost.
OpenCost supports billing integration with the major cloud vendor as AWS, GCP, Azure, and on-prem clusters via custom pricing sheets.


OpenFunction was added to the CNCF projects in April 2022 and has 865 GitHub starts and 25 contributors for the source code.
OpenFunction is an open-source cloud-native FAAS (function as a code platform) to build and serve an event-driven function on Kubernetes. OpenFucntion leverages open-source projects such as Tekton, keda, kenative, Dapr, shipwright and more to feature a complete FAAS platform.
One of the OpenFunction main CRD is a function which is responsible for defining how the source code will be build and how the function will serve events. OpenFunction allows you to define the type of events that interact with the function with custom CRD as trigger, eventsource, eventbus and more.


External-secrets was added to the CNCF projects in July 2022 and has 1.9k GitHub starts and 300+ contributors for the source code.
External-secrets allow sensitive data to be replicated from an external secret store to a Kubernetes secret. Any changes to the relevant secrets in the secret store will be synced to your k8s secrets without the need for manual intervention.

Clusterpedia was added to the CNCF projects in June 2022 and has 497 GitHub starts and 35 contributors for the source code.
Clusterpedia is the wikepida of your clusters, it’s allows powerful complex searches on multiple clusters by syncing Kubernetes resources to its own database, Also Clusterpedia compatible with different resource versions.

Although listed as sandbox projects, the five tools listed above are already positively impacting the community, as their GitHub projects show. In 2022 CNCF added more valuable projects that are impactful but, unfortunately, are not shown here to keep this story short and easy to read. As DevOps Engineers, it’s essential to be updated with the latest relevant projects, especially with the CNCF projects, as they are defining and sharpening the future of cloud computing. So go ahead and visit https://www.cncf.io/ for projects that can help you in your journey.
Thank you, if you have any questions or need any help you can reach me over LinkedIn. Let me know if you want an in-depth review of any of the tools in the comments below or via direct message.
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